FOCO: Bust or Bash?

Cassie Weymouth and Jackie Sibila

The reason Dulaney got a Faux Homecoming (FOCO)? Pure forethought. Thanks to Ms. Reynolds and SGO, Dulaney saw a FOCO Festival. After BCPS’s statement outlining that schools were not allowed to hold a formal Homecoming dance, SGO and Ms. Reynolds were on top of the planning, having already predicted that a normal dance would not be allowed to occur. 

Did this year’s FOCO measure up? Walking into the senior parking lot in broad daylight in a dress and heels was certainly a new experience. In true DuIaney fashion, the star of the show was the Disaster Recovery Trailer taking front and center in the aftermath of the auditorium fire. The DJ was tucked away in the back corner with a dance circle formed behind the Disaster Recovery Trailer and around a brave few. Unfortunately, due to crowd surfing the dancing got shut down. All we have to say on the matter is “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.” 

A few complaints received when asking for feedback was the lack thereof of sustenance. When asked about the shortage of food options Reynolds said, “So we tried to get multiple food trucks. It just so happens it’s the trifecta food truck festival happening at the fairgrounds on Saturday, so everybody turned us down.” 

However, Boss Burger and Kona Ice graciously agreed to serve Dulaney students for the duration of the festival, something I think we all appreciated. 

In the survey completed by students who attended, a general public opinion was formed. The majority of students set their expectations at four out of ten, ten being the best, with 58% saying that their expectations were met. The two highlights of FOCO polled to be hanging out with friends and the after parties, with some opting to forgo the FOCO entirely, instead skipping straight to the after parties. Those who were in attendance seemed to be there in hopes of some version of normalcy and socialization, rather than for the actual festival itself.  

While homecoming would have obviously been more fun as a traditional dance, the SGO did the best they could with the constraints they had. In summary, the half-hearted yard games, the bright orange fencing, and the broad daylight didn’t really stand a chance compared to years prior. Regardless, it appeared everyone was having fun. It was especially nice to have a glimpse of pre-covid times where we could see each other’s faces. We’d like to thank SGO and Ms. Reynolds for all their hard work in providing us with this FOCO, especially since we got so much more than other schools.