Dulaney’s music department scores high marks at annual adjudication

Michelle Wang, Opinion Editor

Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) hosts annual adjudications to evaluate the music programs in BCPS schools. The adjudication is evaluated with a score or with feedback from judges. 

Dulaney’s Orchestra, headed by Barry Chesky, attended their adjudication on March 14 at Perry Hall High School. The Dulaney Chamber Orchestra performed the first two movements of an orchestra arrangement of Shostakovich’s String Quartet No. 8. Their non-adjudicated pieces were Tribal Warfare and an arrangement of a Glazunov piece. The orchestra received straight 1s on each section, the highest score possible while playing grade 6 music, which is the highest difficulty. 

Dulaney’s Chamber Choir headed to their adjudication on March 15 at the Maryland State Boychoir Center for the Arts in Baltimore, MD. They sang pieces such as Mozart’s Requiem, Easy on Me by Adele and Africa by Toto. Senior Mairead DeBrabander, a tenor, sang the solo for Africa. The Chamber Choir performed well with high praise from the judges; they also demonstrated their proficiency in the sightreading section. 

Chesky also conducts the Dulaney Band, which performed at Perry Hall High School for their adjudication on March 15. This was the band’s first in-person adjudication since 2019, due to Covid. The band had successful performances in their playing and sightreading. Although the band did not opt to receive a score, they received positive feedback from the judges.