Senior Spotlight: Tristin Forby dominates in Dulaney Athletics


Cassie Weymouth, Editor

Senior Tristin Forby is an asset not only to Dulaney’s football team but to the indoor and outdoor track team’s successes as well. Forby started playing football in his childhood, which motivated him to continue into high school. The same friends he once played with for fun inspired him to join Dulaney’s team. Now ready to take his next steps, Forby will continue his football journey into college.

On his commitment decision, Forby commented, “I chose Frostburg because it’s not that far, I really like the programs, [and] the coaches.” 

Forby didn’t get to the top without hard work and persistence. He has continuously improved his game every year he has played and hopes to do so in college. When asked about his influences he credits his coaches.

“Coach Reid and Coach Thompson – I’ve been playing with them since 6th grade… they’ve always looked out for me, always had the best interest for me, without them I don’t know if I’d be where I’m at,” said Forby.

Forby is not only a stellar athlete on the football field but on the track as well, winning a state title in the 4×4 in the indoor 2021/2022 season. Regardless of the sport or the season, Forby goes above and beyond. 

He advises younger teammates to just keep working regardless of wins or losses and to always try. 

As Forby’s high school athletic career is coming to a close, when asked what he would miss most, he simply said, “The people.” Dulaney will be sad to see such an incredible athlete, teammate and student go, leaving large shoes to fill.