Support for Dulaney women’s basketball lags far behind that of mens

Megan Puente, Staff Writer

Athletics are a big aspect of the school and community. It is now the 2022-2023 winter sports season, and students pack the bleachers to support their fellow classmates as they compete against other schools. Mens basketball is a fan favorite; When the JV and Varsity boys’ teams play, all four sections of the bleachers are pulled down and full of students ready to cheer on Dulaney. But when the girls play at home, there are only two sides of the bleachers pulled down for the fans.

“When there is a boys home game and there is a post made for them on social media, it says attendance is mandatory but when it’s a girls home game there’s no attendance mandatory,”  said junior, Anna Jones. 

The girls basketball team is having a great season.  With a record of 14-5, the girls team has been crushing it. But what the girls want is more fans in the bleachers and support for the program. 

A fun aspect to add to athletic events, like sports games are themes. There have been themes like Christmas spirit, school colors and Hawaiian. Now we even have a table like ESPN. But this is only for the boys games. 

“The boys have more of an audience when it comes to home games compared to our home games where the student section is smaller.”  said junior London Mcfarlane 

At Dulaney, it is important to highlight the athletes. Whether it’s through the Griffin, Facebook or Instagram. Some athletes get recognition for a great play they made, a win the team had or an athlete to watch. Posts are also made when it is game day.

Students and family members can find Dulaney’s basketball schedule and other related information on social media platforms. But these posts can show more support toward the boys. 

Both the boys and girls basketball teams are very skilled teams, and it is important to support both. Next time there’s a girls’ basketball game, go support the lady lions!