Olympic hopeful keeps her head up

Jeffrey Yang

Dulaney students have been attending school amongst a future Olympian: Alexa Silao. Silao has been known for her remarkable skill in judo as she is an Olympic hopeful and has won numerous competitions with incredible results. Silao is attending UMBC next year with her major currently undecided.

Being more of a natural at judo, she works hard to maintain and improve her skills.

Judo has been one of Silao’s greatest passions even after her ACL injury last spring. In fact, judo is one of the reasons why she has decided to stay in Maryland for college.

“With the Coronavirus, [the Olympics] got pushed back to 2021 so I’ll try to shoot for that one once quarantine ends and if not 2021 then definitely 2025,” said Silao regarding her future with Judo.

She is also passionate about the competitions.

“Just competing against other people and the atmosphere in a tournament [makes it] the best feeling,” said Silao.

In addition to her impeccable athletic abilities, Silao is also immersed in a variety of fields with interests in finance and medicine as possible career options.

Already exposed to the medical field from taking courses such as Anatomy, Paramedical Biology, and AP Biology, Silao has had an interest in medicine for years. Both of her parents are nurses and she takes pride in staying healthy.

On the other hand, she gained an interest in stocks from her judo coach from whom she learned how to trade.

However, she is not satisfied with the current state of the school, just like many other Dulaney seniors. Silao says that she is disappointed that prom and graduation were taken away due to the coronavirus and it isn’t the greatest situation. Although Silao is disappointed in how her high school years are ending, she is excited to learn more about herself in her college years and to meet new people to make new friends.