S@*! That hurt!


Gabrielle Cassini, Staff Writer

 The year is 1970, and the movie theater is crowded with people. The film is halfway through and the audience goes into shock. The American film, M*A*S*H became the first film in the U.S to use a curse word. Curse words used to be reserved to stubbed toes and private conversations, but as time has evolved, people can say otherwise. 

   “Swearing was taboo in the middle ages. It was also generally used by the poorer social class, who were viewed as uneducated, horrible people.” Said Melissa Mohr, an English literature scholar. 

       Furthermore, that is a prime example of how current ages, these words are now viewed differently. 

       It is estimated that adolescents use 80-90 curse words a day. Due to the constant use of curse words in daily conversations, movies and songs, they have lost their shock value. 

  “You play online games, you read Twitter, you’re going to see the f-word 100 times a day before breakfast.” Said Benjamin Bergen, a professor of cognitive science at the University of California-San Diego. 

The fact is, different generations perceive swearing differently.  Although it may seem strange, cursing is often used to express pain. Sometimes it is even used to make impressions and build friendships to appear as “cool”. The reasoning for curse words having a shock value in previous generations was because they were often used as gender/racial slurs. Our generation is very involved in equal rights and being on the same page. Therefore cultural and racial equality is very important. 

“Instead, I think, more of us are realizing that the truly offensive words are the words that attack people based on their skin color or religion or ethnicity or gender. The words whose only purpose is to harm and divide in the most personal way possible.” Said Meena Pannirselvam from the Daily Braskan. 

 People seem to mostly react to words that are just used to dehumanize a person. Nevertheless if the word does not have a specific purpose (linked to bullying) it does not come off as offensive, nor have a shock. 

According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC),  “language so grossly offensive to members of the public who actually hear it as to amount to a nuisance is considered profanity.” 

  By the FCC announcing this, the boundaries of profanity in the media were set. 

More people are finally realizing the meanings behind the words they speak. Society has always been exposed to profanity, but now curse words are making their way to be acceptable in everyday life without the value they used to have.