The Slushy Future of Snow Days

Miranda Parrish, Staff Writer

Snow days have always meant more than precipitation. Rumors circulating the days before that snow might fall, debating whether there will be enough snow to have an actual day off and making sure everyone was going to wear their pajamas inside out and backwards were all part of the potential snow day ritual. But with the transition to online learning, the next generation may never understand the joy of waking up early to have a free day, with no homework and snow falling. While I do understand that school is important to keep on track with the curriculum, snow days have always been such an important part to the school experience, and they have provided a surprise break from the demand of classes.

With Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) having built-in snow days for the 2020-2021 school year, choosing not to use them seems both conflicting and unnecessary. It is still unclear if some days were used for the ransomware attack in November, leaving the last day of school unknown. Getting out of school several days earlier in June may be an end goal, but I think the periodic breaks in the busiest time of the year is more rewarding to both teachers and students. Time to catch up on work, as well as enjoy the day off, will break up the school day routine and boost spirits.

Snow days are also a good way to socially distanced see other people. How classes are taught have changed, as well as the level of socialization between students, with a significant increase in mental health concerns. The lack of socialization has taken a toll on everyone, but meeting up with others to enjoy the weather is a great opportunity to reset and enjoy time outside. The continuation of school regardless of inclement weather means more time being confined to classes instead of being able to do traditional snow activities, such as sledding and sleeping in, which are both rare and fun.

Most Dulaney students agree, with a survey sent out showed that 83 percent believe that snow days should be called regardless of in-person or virtual learning.

While school has changed, the winter weather-related snow days have as well, with the shift to online changing the meaning of highly anticipated snow days in the future. Sophomore Zarin Mahmud agrees.

“Snow days are rooted in tradition and I don’t think the emergence of Covid-19 should be able to change that. Because they are and have been a significant part of our lives as students, I don’t think taking away snow days will do any good; in fact, it may be overall counterproductive for a myriad of obvious reasons,” Mahmud said.

BCPS should choose to use their allotted snow days in the future. Even if we don’t go back to school full-time for a while, students need breaks to keep their morale up, as well as have the opportunity to catch up on schoolwork. Mahmud agrees. “ I believe we should return to our tradition and continue to have snow days for years to come.”