Swindled seniors suffer


Reece Spann, Staff Writer

Seniors, the time has finally come.

It is 2018, our year to celebrate and finish out high school on a high note. The class of green and black gets to graduate and get the heck out of school. But what was supposed to be the best year of our adolescent lives, enjoying events such as spring break, prom and graduation, has become a year of breaking tradition causing a disappointed Class of 2018.

The attack against the millennials began when it was announced that our spring break would be taken away. I guess the county executives realized they were spoiling us by starting school after Labor Day and almost getting us a new school. How courteous of them. All students reserve the right to a full week of vacationing to their beds. We should all protest by taking the full week of spring break that we deserve.

So the plan is that no one comes to school from March 26 to March 30! Who is with me?

The disappointing news continued when it was announced that prom would be on a Friday.

Traditionally, senior prom is held on a Saturday night, which gives seniors the necessary 12 hours it takes to get nails, hair, makeup and eyebrows done and of course if you are like me finally pick out a prom dress. Although most people will probably turn that Friday into a senior skip day anyway.
But don’t get so excited just yet seniors. If you are taking Advanced Placement exams, including European History and Macroeconomics, you have the pleasure of enjoying an overpriced, three hour exam prior to your unforgettable night. You better get that college credit.

Meanwhile the events the day after prom cause problems as well. Track and field Regionals and women’s lacrosse state semis are scheduled that Saturday and these athletes are thoroughly frustrated that the school would make such a glaring mistake. How are athletes supposed to perform well when they are exhausted from a night of singing, dancing, and perfectly posing for pictures? Our athletes are good but I don’t know if they are that good.

Even our cap and gown colors were sabotaged! In the past girls wear white caps and gowns and boys wear black caps and gowns. This year seniors got to vote on the colors red and black. At least we had somewhat of a say on this change. I voted Dulaney red to be unique and so that I can reenact the famous High School Musical pose. Although my dreams were crushed when it was announced that black was the winner.

We represent the start of the new millennium, proudly wearing our neon green and black despite the adversity that we have faced. My message to the Class of 2019 and to all future classes is keep demanding a new school and do not let your superiors steal your senior year. Peace out Dulaney.