Adventures in Art: Hussein Ismail

Zoe Kazanzides

Senior Hussein Ismail has always been interested in art and has continued to work on his own artistry as a student. He recently created one of his favorite pieces of art last year that took him about a month to complete. 

 When considering advice to pass along to future AP Art Students, Ismail advises them to focus on a specific medium that they are interested in. 

He says this specialization in medium will be especially helpful in creating a portfolio. His favorite medium is ink. The AP exam is a 15-piece portfolio that is developed throughout the course. 

Ismail says, “I like working with realistic imagery while also giving it a fantastical quality.” 

He has learned how to improve his skills in drawing still-lifes and animals throughout the course. He would like to work on creating better backgrounds and environments for his artwork. 

Ismail says “[he] is interested in the question of how to create the new,” so he focuses on his unique perspective when he creates his artwork. He does take inspiration from past artists  and is particularly interested in incorporating the style of cubism in his future pieces.

He plans to continue art as a hobby while attending Johns Hopkins University in the fall, where he will be majoring in chemical engineering on a pre-med track.