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Our mission: to enlighten and to entertain

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Our mission: to enlighten and to entertain

The Griffin

Seniors give thanks to teachers and faculty


Before leaving Dulaney High School, class of 2024 seniors were given an opportunity to thank teachers, faculty, coaches and others who left a lasting impact on them.


Olivia Hetherington: “Mr. Sutton and Mr. Maranville for being the best teachers I have ever had.”


Kayla Tisdale: “I would like to thank all my teachers for being understanding and encouraging.”


Aaron Natividad: “I would like to thank all the cool dude teachers I’ve had throughout the years (Mr. Steiner, J-Wag, Topher, Mr. Labbe, Sr. Pardo, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Anderson, Mr. McVeigh, and Mr. Shaw) for being such a great male influence on me. I would also like to thank Ms. Chenowith and Ms. Ratley Diaz Smith for their support of me in arts and photography. Also thanks to the Key Club advisors for being so fun to be around. And also the Janitors for being such champs and putting up with a bunch of snotty teenage waste.”


Kavi Singla: “Thank you to all the teachers that taught and supported me over the last 4 years.”


Heather O’Donnell: “Thank you to Ms. Campbell, Mr. Binko, Mr. Lowe, Ms. Phillips, Ms. Mitchell, Ms. Fiat, Ms. Turner, Mr. Friedman, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Guest, Mr. Gaskin, Mr. Velten, Mr. Lopez and Mr. Linder. for making my high school experience enjoyable and making it so that I WANT to come to school and learn.”


Jack Santoro: “Coach fiat, Mrs. Lennet”


Lucine Alboyadjian: “I want to thank all my teachers and Ms Fritz, who took care of me and understood me throughout my high school years.”


Tyler Morris: “Mr. Binko for helping me get through challenging math. Ms. Wilson for a second life. Ms. Owens for being my rock these 3 years.”


Bryan Castro: “I would like to thank my Hvac/welding teacher Mr. Gaskin for always giving me good advice and teaching me valuable lessons.”


Giovanni Martillini: “All of my teachers, especially my music and english teachers.”


Paul Gross: “Ms.Wilson, she will hands down go down as one of the best teachers to come out of dulaney.I would also like to thank Ms. Frumin for just simply caring. Ms.Frumin you are appreciated.”


James Culhane: “My Dulaney soccer coaches and all the teachers that helped me succeed.”


Lilly Baity: “Mr. Enders, thank you.”


Noah Price: “Mrs. Sofinowski and Mr. Gaskin. Thank you for your continuing support throughout the years because I wouldn’t be in this position without you guys.”


Joshua Wright: “Coach Jessie Swain.”


Amani Griffin: “I would like to thank Mr. Peak for showing me that I am more than what I thought I was and always keeping me sane. I would like to thank Coach Thompson for always keeping me accountable and always pushing me to be better.”


Sudharsna Santosh: “My parents and teachers.”


Ashvin Devaraconda: “I would like to thank Coach McVeigh for pushing all the tennis players to the next level.”


Mary Anglim: “Mr. Bowman, the greatest funniest teacher of all time. Thank you.”


Matthew Wells: “I would like to thank all my teachers for the time and effort they have put into me and their students.”


Lauren Stankoski: “Mr Bowman for making class interesting and enjoyable”


Alexandria Veal: “I’d like to thank all my teachers from my past 3 years of being in Dulaney for their help with getting through and for believing in me. Encouraging my ideas in class and progressing my mind when things were sometimes hard for me to understand.”


Sandra Cherop: “Mr. Sutton, Mrs. Chenowith, Mr. Bowman, Mrs. Moon, Mr. Frey, Mrs. Bloomer, Mr. Lyon”


George Mueller: “I would like to thank Mr. Bilmanis, for helping me get through geometry, Ms. Stewart for teaching history and government classes that made me excited for school, and Mr. Lovett, for his patience and ability to make learning a difficult foreign language fun.”


Douglas Rivera Rivera: “My counselor, and some of my teachers”


Aine Heron: “Mr. Wagner for instilling a love for history in me and to the incredible teachers who have made school enjoyable and are always there to chat.”


Lundyn Brown: “I would like to thank Coach Kim who is now retired. She made my cheer and whole highschool experience 10 times better. And Principal Wynkoop for always allowing me to come into his office at any time for anything I needed.”


Mohamad Alhabbal: “Coaches”


Lucia Martinez: “Ms. Frumin, Ms. Senita, and Ms. Fair”


Matthew Gibson: “Thank you all teachers.”


Drishty Vyas: “Thank you to my teachers for always encouraging me to perform my best in class and for helping me whenever I reached out. Thank you to Coach Labbe for appreciating the efforts I put in during practices even when I lost my games and for continuing to cheer me on and believing I could win every time. Thank you to my counselor, Mr. Skelton, for always guiding me on which path I should take as well as supporting and understanding the choices I make in life. Thank you to the nurses for providing assistance and getting me better every time I got sick, which happened a lot over these past four years. Lastly, thank you to my friends for making my high school years enjoyable. You made me want to come to school every day!”


Hannah Wilson: “Thank you for all your help.”


Chakeena Barnes: “Everyone.”


Jonita Felton: “Safety Assistants. All my teachers who believed in me and gave me a chance.”


Calvin Cox: “My mother and my father.”


Olvin Villalta-Villacorta: “I would like to say thank you for helping with my work.”


Jada Banks: “I’d like to thank Mr. Shaw for always believing in me when I found it hard to believe in myself, and pushing me to be my best self.”


Cameron Blum: “I would like to thank Mr. Peak, Mr. George, Ms. Bare, and Ms. Korrow.”


Yadhira Perales Castillo: “Thank you to all my teachers over these years.”


Tatum Gordon: “I would like to thank Coach Korrow for her guidance and help throughout these last few years of high school.”


Kayla Goggans: “I thank my coaches and my teachers for helping me get to where I am”


Jayden Queen: “Thank you to coach Thompson. Truly more than just a coach.”


Andrew Conyers: “Mr. Peak, Coach Thompson.”


London McFarlane: “Shout out Mr. Velten, Mr. Maranville, Coach Korrow and Lauren and Ms. Owens. Thank you all for everything.”


Matthew Wong: “Mr. Binko for being the best math teacher anyone could ever have, able to teach and teach and you would still be able to pick up all the information. Mr. Lovett for knowing what to do with technology as well as being an overall good chinese teacher.”


Paige Davis: “All of my teachers and my counselor.” 


Antonio Bautista: “For believing in me, especially Mr. Parker.”


Jonathan Costley: “Mr. Gaskin, Mr. Linder, and Mr. Friedman, for being great teachers.”


Junhao Lin: “All of my teachers. I really want to thank them for all they do for me. “

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Mariam Darraj: “I would like to thank some of my teachers, Mrs. Phillips, Mr. Marsico and Mr. Wagner! I’m so grateful that I had each of you as teachers and you inspired me in different ways when it came to school work, future plans, and just life in general! Thank you all so much!”


Darius Lambert: “Mrs. Owens and Jasmine Thomas.” 


Logan Hannon: “Keep making kids great!”


Kayla Champ: “I would like to thank my parents and Mrs. Wheelers”


Vakhtang Kaishauri: “Thank you Mr. Lovett and Mr. Wheeler for helping me figure out what I want to do after high school! Thank you coaches Asher, Jacob, and Carlos for teaching me what resilience is!”


Amber Ellison: “I would like to thank Mr. Wynkoop, Mr. Parker, Mrs. Ribb, and Mrs. Roberts for always pushing me to be the best version of myself and encouraging me to keep smiling.”


Sergio Lou Sacay: “Thank you to the ‘stem gang’, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Anderson, Mr. McVeigh, and Mrs. Bracken!”


Shahad Elfaki: “Mrs. Gillis and Mr. Peak both have helped me so much since last year so I’m very grateful to them.”


Taylor Pugh: “I would like to thank Mr. Binko, Mrs. Mcwilliams, Mr. Parker, and Mrs. Lenet for helping me out these past 4 years.”


Caleb Margolis: “Mrs. Owens, Dr. Bowmen, Mr. Lowe, Mrs. Philips, Coach Emdad, Coach Harclerode, Coach Lahatte, and Mr. Shaw. Thank you so much for making my time at Dulaney such an amazing experience whether that be in the classroom or on the field. Your support and thoughtful care has inspired me as a student, an athlete, and as a person. I will continue to use your knowledge and wisdom that you have taught me to go above and beyond.”


Max Schneidereith: “I want to first thank all of my teachers for all of their dedication, support, and positivity they have shared with me. Second, I would like to thank my mom and my dad for all the encouragement to keep going when times get hard and motivating me to always do my best work. Finally, I would like to thank all my friends for always being there for me when I needed them most. “


Davy Ling: “I would like to thank all of my teachers, especially Mr. Malafarina for his guidance over the past 4 years.”


Natalie Albergo: “Thanks to teachers for working hard and helping me improve.”


Morghan McMearty: “Mr. Dickson, he really helped me get over my stage fright and his class was a really nice break from regular academics. Mr. Enders, I learnt a lot about the work and I want to take up some plant keeping because of him. Ms. Hopkins, because both her intro to creative writing and sequel class made me realize my writing skills can actually go somewhere in the future. Mrs. Schaffmeyer, my argumentative skills really flourished in that class thanks to her attention to detail.”


Rut Reyes: “Mrs. Campbell, and Mrs. Lenet I would like to say thank you so much, for helping me and guiding me to pass the class but also because you guys were there helping me and researching solutions for FAFSA. Also thank you so much for making this year unforgettable and enjoyable. Me and my friends were so lucky to have this class with the best English teacher and also me and the students are so lucky to have Mrs. Lenet as a counselor. I am so thankful and every student who gets the opportunity to have the class with Mrs Campbell and Mrs. Lenet as a counselor will be so lucky! I’ll miss both of yall! God bless you guys.”


Brooklyn Ritter: “I’m going to personally thank them.”


Quin Novashinski: “Mr. Velten.”


Hannah Harpster: “Anyone and everyone I’ve interacted with. They’ve all been a part of this journey with me, and influenced me in some way somehow.”


Megan Olonde: “Myself. The end was hard but I did it.”


Leah Ranck: “Ms. Bare is the best!”


Maya Galupo: “I would like to thank Mr. Maranville, Mr. Steiner, Mr. Sutton, and Mr. Velten for talking with me about sports! And I would like to thank Mr. Guest for giving me the opportunity to start my sports photography/videography journey!”


Nicholas Marlowe: “I would like to thank my teachers.”


Jean McGregor: “Thank you Mr. Peak for being the best teacher ever and for supporting me through everything for the past 3 years.”


Lukas Brandt: “Mr. Shaw, thank you for sparking my interest in physics. You didn’t just teach me physics, but ways to be a better problem solver and critical thinker. Everyday I looked forward to our physics class. Thank you!”


Max Edwards: “Thank you to all of my teachers!”


Travin Lane: “Thank you Ms. Bare, Ms. Stewart, Mr, Lashley, Ms. Hamilton, Ms. Frumin, Ms, Rios, Ms. Syzmanski, Ms, Fialcowitz, Ms.Klein, Ms. Lucania.”


Jenna Strauch: “Mr. Steiner: Thank you so much for helping me out my freshman year. Online school was really tough for me and without your encouragement I wouldn’t have been able to bring myself to up my grades! Mrs. Senita: You’ve been there for me all four years and I can’t imagine what my life would be like without chorus. You’ve listened to me and taken me seriously and you have helped my growth!”


Sarina Ali: “Thanks to all the teachers who taught me! It’s because of you I was able to graduate with success!”

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Nolan Kahalas
Nolan Kahalas, Staff Writer
Sophomore Nolan Kahalas is excited for his first year as a staff writer on The Griffin. In his free time, Kahalas enjoys reading in addition to running on the cross country and track teams for Dulaney. He looks forward to improving his writing skills and learning about journalism.
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