School spirit returns to Dulaney

(Dulaney Griffin)

Sticky notes from Good Vibes Monday!

Ryleigh Bernhardt and Aine Heron

As winter continues, students’ feelings have matched the dreary weather outside. In order to bring some light to Dulaney, the Student Government Organization (SGO) planned a winter spirit week ending with the Feb. 4 dance. Throughout the week, the days were as follows: Good Vibes Monday, Twin Day Tuesday, Scrabble Day Wednesday, 100th Day Thursday and Fill Your Cup Friday. By introducing this new tradition, SGO hopes to provide students with a week filled with fun and positivity. 

We spoke with SGO President Alice Lu who gave us the inside scoop on how this varied from past spirit weeks.

“It was nice to have something new because usually we do just dress up so having the hot chocolate day and also the encouragement day was something that we haven’t done before,” said Lu.

When viewing the overall participation, it was clear the most popular days were Fill Your Cup Friday and Twin Tuesday. On Tuesday many participants showed up to school in matching outfits with their “twin”. Friday ended with about 10 teachers throughout the school distributing hot chocolate to anyone who brought their own cup. 

Teachers, however, voiced the most support for Good Vibes Monday where music was played between each transition period. Some even stated they wish it happened everyday. Some other days included 100th day Thursday, where students dressed as old people and Scrabble Day Wednesday where each student wore a letter and worked with friends to make the longest word. The week concluded with the winter dance – attended by around 300 students.

During this tough point in the school year, it is crucial for students to have something to keep their spirits up. The main goal of the week, especially with Good Vibes Monday, was to push for a positive attitude that will carry students through the rest of the school year.

“It made a lot of people happy, which was the ultimate goal of the week. The encouragement day was also really good because it started on Monday, starting the whole week with an uplifting mood,” Lu shared.

(Dulaney Griffin/Aine Heron)
Photo of Dulaney’s Tuesday Twin Day from Spirit Week!

There was a boost in Dulaney’s atmosphere underscoring how impactful school spirit week and dances are in bringing cheer. It is clear that students value each dance and spirit week and are looking forward to upcoming events.