Finding positivity through art when all else seems lost

Rebecca Liao

Digital Drawing

Grace Monacelli, Sports Editor

Growing up surrounded by creative influences, freshman Rebecca Liao has taken a passion for creating art. Her friends and family have always considered her to be an “artistic” person, as she used to wake her mother up before the sun would rise so she could color. Ever since she was little, paper and a pencil have been her artistic companions. 

“I usually do regular drawings in pencil, and sometimes I will use other media such as watercolor and acrylic”, said Liao when asked what type of art work she likes to create.

Pencil drawing  (Rebecca Liao)

Her artistic abilities do not end at drawing, though pencil sketches are still her favorite pieces to work on. With so much time on her hands during the COVID pandemic, it has been an opportunity for her to become “more invested” in her art. Liao explained how her friends and family have inspired her to expand on the types of things she creates.Recently Liao has taken on some new artistic challenges such as writing fictional stories with characters to go along with them, and experimenting with digital art as well. With technology becoming more and more prominent everyday, Liao has learned to create digital art with her iPad, Apple Pencil and drawing tablet. With the pandemic putting her social life on pause, it has made the process of making art “lonely at times”, but Liao is grateful to have been able to spend so much time doing what she loves.

Acrylic Triptych (Rebecca Liao)

“Sometimes I use art to escape from stress from virtual school, and it can be hard to find inspiration at times, but making art has been one of the upsides of quarantine”, Liao said in reflecting how the pandemic has affected her art.

Despite how easy it could have been to let the pandemic bring her down, Liao wants nothing more than for her art to uplift others. She hopes that her combination of positive drawings, images and words will encourage others to see things from a different perspective. Art allows her to express herself and use her creativity to bring something new to life for herself and others.